Saturday, August 21, 2010

TSC Grain Trip today.

I wanted to pass out when I got to the register. Grain, Nylon Rope Halter, Dog bone and a bag of dog treats was nearly $50!!!

Anyway, after my mild heart attack I realized I forgot to look for a new slicker brush for my Angora. I was cutting it close on time so I just left, I probably didn't want to see the prices of the nice slicker brushes with the stiff bristles.

Took Flick in with my to the store and of course he had to have something from the doggy treat isle. He always picks out what he wants. I pull something from the shelf, show him, and if he wants it he tries to take it in his mouth. Well today the only thing he would put in his mouth of course had to be expensive, but how could I say no to my main man. I couldn't, and I spent way too much money, ugh!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

It feels good to be back!

It's been a long time since I've had a blog! My last blog died very early on, I found myself too busy to continually keep it updated, then the breeds changed, location changed and I started all over.

For all of those who previously followed me and haven't heard the latest news; English Angora's and English Spots joined my barn this summer. I have a new ES herd buck coming in on the 28th of this month and recently traded a brood quality JW for a nice little Fawn EA Jr. Buck.

Pictures and all of that fun stuff is on my website as always, which has changed once more, for the last time. Autumn Frost Farm is official and it's staying. I'm settled into a place that's mine, no more location changes for me!

Keep checking back for updates!